Opening Nights

Opening Nights

Engaging the community in creative experiences

Live performances have a unique power to evoke emotions that stay with you - and inspire a community.

A boy who’s just seen his first Shakespeare play; a group on a high after hearing live jazz; a couple discussing the book reading they just attended; a student dancing on her apartment balcony after seeing an inspiring performance. Live performances have a unique power to evoke emotions that stay with you — and inspire a community

Opening Nights is a commercial campaign that launched the rebrand of a nearly century-old performing arts festival.


Telly Award, Campaign Addy Award
15 Second Spots


A boy is introduced to his first live theatre by his grandparents.


A couple enjoys a dessert and conversation after a night of poetry.


A group of young professionals are energized from the live music experience.


A dance student is inspired by a professional dance company’s performance.